A Transformational Experience for Everybody
Empowering a growing movement of change makers, leaders, and lightworkers who are creating resonant transformative experiences.
Transformational Experiences
open doors that were once closed, and leave those doors open. It changes the way we know and understand the world, adding new meaning that evolves through embodied experience.
Full Moon Ceremony
A full moon is a wonderful time to release, let go and cleanse yourself of whatever it is that is holding you back while you are at your strongest, most powerful self. Gather together each month as we connect with creator to honor ourselves and step more fully into divine purpose.
Embodied Empowerment
Experience the totality of your existence. Take the first step towards transformation and manifest your wildest dreams into reality.
International Immersion
Ignite into your next phase of life by embodying the Elements and activating your magic. Embrace growth, self-love, and transformation during this five-day, life-changing journey, Embody Your World in beautiful Costa Rica December 9-13, 2021.
Free Chakra Sound Immersion!
This Guided Journey will balance the chakras and clear the mind of any outside distractions.
Embody Divine Purpose!
Empowerment, motivation, and
other goodies delivered to your inbox.